What are recreational activities?
Have you noticed that your children have a hard time engaging in recreational activities that require them to run and jump? We explain what these types of activities are about and why they are important to include them in the routines of your little ones. In addition, later we will present you with several game ideas that motivate them to move.
What are recreational activities?
These are actions that are carried out in order to entertain and distract, with them your little ones can get out of the routine and also offer them a fun environment.
Recreational activities go beyond play, in the case of children, they have a fundamental role in cognitive, physical, and social development. That is, it activates them physically.
Importance of recreational activities in children’s development
When children are in the first stage of learning they begin to perform different activities that help them know their environment. The game is the best way for them to acquire this knowledge.
As they get older, it’s time to do homework! They also have at their disposal television and electronic devices, for these reasons the attitude of children toward physical activities is reduced.
As parents they should know the importance of creating a plan that motivates them to stay physically active, but where fun is the order of the day.
Did you know that children need 1 hour of physical activity per day? Sports and recreational activities help them improve their self-esteem, work as a team, and foster communication skills. In addition, they are important for their physical, psychological, and emotional development.
Recreational activities that will encourage your children
We advise you not to start with activities that demand a lot of physical effort; If your child isn’t used to it, they can get tired and discouraged. Remember that there are children who are innate athletes and others who do not like sports. To do this, think about the following:
~Choose an ideal activity for your little one’s age and taste.
*Offer different options.
~Make the main goal fun, don’t push it. If you organize an activity and get involved for a short time, that’s great, too.
Now, let’s get to work! It is time to prepare fun, playful recreational activities that allow you to share family time.
° Imitation game
The best thing about this game is that it can be adapted to different ages. Its benefits? Children learn to express themselves, activate self-knowledge and perform the physical activity while imitating. In addition, it favors social interaction.
Young children usually like to sing and imitate. Therefore, find a happy song and invite them to imitate all your movements such as: jumping on one foot, bending, getting up, raising their hands, and taking a walk.
The option for older children is to imitate so that others guess an action, phrase, or word. Write several funny words on paper and insert them into a box. Then, ask one of the participants to take out a word and imitate what it says there so that the other family members guess.
° Yincana: one of the most fun recreational activities
Create a game called the hidden treasure, this gymkhana will delight your children. The first thing you need to do is create several tracks and then hide them. Have the children look for them.
However, be sure to place them in places where they have to go up or down the stairs in case they do it at home. The first to find the treasure will win a prize. That incentive will help them seek out so actively that they won’t notice they’re exercising.
° Explosive paint
This is one of the recreational activities where your little ones will learn while having fun. Take a piece of square cardboard and stick white paper on top ideal for painting watercolors. Then, fill small balloons with paints of different colors and stick them on top of the white paper. Make your children explode the balloons with darts.
Every time they do the balloon will release the paint and create a cool effect. When this happens, you can explain how colors combine to generate different shades and why when we see blue we think of cold, and if we see yellow in heat. Remember to place a waterproof material on the floor!
° Family nature walk
Take your little ones to a natural park to perform different activities such as climbing, and hiking, among others. In addition to disconnecting, the little ones will be able to learn about the ecosystems and will be active throughout the day. It’s definitely one of the best recreational activities to spend family time!
° Obstacle course
You can organize it inside your house, in your garden and even in a park. Look for recycling materials such as bottles, empty boxes, and pillows. They also serve you hula hoopsor toys such as bowling and colored plastic balls.
With this game, your children will be on the move while jumping and running dodging obstacles. In addition, this type of activity allows children to learn to work as a team, the advantages of leadership, and tolerance to frustration.
Dare to do these recreational activities, both you and your children need to be active and on the move. Remember that to have a healthy life you must perform regular exercise. But, no one said it must be boring.